Welcome to the Youth Club!
The Youth Club is a subgroup and intergral part of the Swiss Society of Vancouver and was founded to promote and feature exciting sports and cultural events. We welcome everybody who is interested in building a community of Swiss-Canadians in the Lower Mainland. There is no age limit, whoever fee
We look forward to having you on board and seeing you at one of our events! Your suggestions and ideas for events are most welcome. If you have questions or comments, just contact the coordinators and we will be in touch with you!
Aio and Mirjam (Coordinators)
Aio Haberli (youth-group@swiss-society.org)
Upcoming events 2015:
April 15, 7pm – Trivia (Coppertank Grill, 3135 W Broadway)
May 14, 6pm – After Work Beer and Random Cinema Movie Night (New Oxford Yaletown, Scotiabank Theater Burrard)
June 16, 8pm – Karaoke Tuesdays (Backstage Lounge, Vancouver)
June 29, 6pm – After Work Beer and Random Cinema Movie Night (New Oxford Yaletown, Scotiabank Theater Burrard)
July 17, 2pm – BBQ and Badminton (Jericho Beach, Vancouver)
August 22-23, 10am – Overnight Kayaking Trip to Granite Falls (Deep Cove, North Vancouver)